S.O.S. Heritage: Save Our School Heritage

Engaging pupils in preservation activities and campaigns to protect and promote maritime heritage.

The Local Challenge

The Maritime School Bakar is nestled in the picturesque coastal town of Bakar, Croatia. This town has a rich maritime history, and the school plays a pivotal role in preserving and promoting this heritage, as the oldest secondary vocational school in Croatia. Their challenge is focusing on preserving and showcasing the school’s cultural heritage by restoring their library’s knowledge on maritime history, engineering and navigation techniques.  


 The Initiative  

Through a series of activities, the pupils of the Bakar Maritime School are presenting a public maritime book show. Other initiatives include holding book conservatorship workshops with a restorer/historian and developing curriculum materials that incorporate the school’s maritime history − with digital content, available on their digital platforms. In collaboration with Bakar City Library, Rijeka City Library and nearby schools, the initiative is  engaging the wider community, especially young people, to broaden the understanding of the rich maritime legacy of Bakar.  


What’s Next?

The project partners intend these actions to have several ripple effects. Firstly, the attention on maritime heritage can benefit the local economy; secondly, it can help to boost the visibility of their school and community. Last but not least, by working together with the local community, they are confident that they can protect the school’s heritage but also ensure its heritage knowledge is available for future generations. 

Contact theeuropechallenge@culturalfoundation.eu if you have any questions or want to be connected with the team behind the project.

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