Together: Intergenerational Cooperation

Combating loneliness and ageism by engaging seniors and young people in storytelling sessions, book clubs and computing classes – helping to build intergenerational bonds.

The Local Challenge

Like many countries, Slovenia faces significant challenges with its ageing population. As life expectancy increases and birth rates decline, the proportion of elderly citizens is growing. This demographic shift brings a heightened risk of social isolation among older adults. Loneliness and lack of meaningful social interaction can lead to deteriorating mental and physical health, inequality and psychosocial issues. Simultaneously, theres a need to mitigate the detrimental effects of social networks on young people, fostering healthier interactions and community connections. 


 The Initiative  A collaboration between library and intergenerational centre, which works with older adults, the Together initiative is combating loneliness and ageism in Slovenia by engaging seniors and young people in storytelling sessions, book clubs and computing classes – helping to boost digital literacy and build intergenerational bonds. Children engage in “Granny’s Tales” storytelling sessions with seniors at the retirement home, while creative workshops led by seniors empower young people, helping to preserve cultural skills and traditions. This initiative enriches the community fabric, supported by local volunteers from the Association of Retirees of Komenda, and addressing diverse needs through innovative programming. 


What’s Next?

Through the Together initiative, elderly participants will gain digital literacy skills to help them engage more actively in society in future, promoting their health and wellbeing. Young people will learn more about their cultural heritage, fostering intergenerational respect. Through these activities, the library will become a vital hub for social interaction, book clubs and lifelong learning, supporting social inclusion and emotional wellbeing for older generations and young people alike. 


Contact if you have any questions or want to be connected with the team behind the project.

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